Legal Distress

Intuition told me that I had important mail today. I take out the garbage and yes, there is a post office delivery notification. It is addressed to 14-3 Imp des Lilas. So it is likely from the insurance company. I suspect it is something to tell me that my claim has been kiboshed. I will not know until after 1300 tomorrow which is when it will be available for pickup at the postal outlet, a six mile hike away.

What is interesting is that it came in my mailbox even though it is designed with a loop to hang on a doorknob. In the past, I have come home to find these notices hanging from the front door. I tried to leave the house earlier this month and found a Purolater envelope laying flat, almost hidden beside the door mat. Fed-X has delivered packages to me by simply leaving them standing outside the front door.

I suspect this item will tell me that my case before TAQ has failed. That I have mere hours from time of item receipt to file a demand for redress. I have already prepared some materials, drafted preliminary text, and made copies of relevant documents. I should craft a rebuttal tonight. I lack the psychology to do so. I just want to abandon everything, crawl into the bushes and disappear. Not very brave compared to the last post. But the last post describes a much younger man, a man in his prime, one in full possession of his faculties. I am no longer that person. Being hit by a car will do that to you.

Late Monday Update  #1

Becoming even more down. This struggle has been ongoing since the summer of 2012. That is three years now. I did nothing to deserve any of this. I drove into work. I was rear ended. I suffered an injury. And I face bastards who have taken my money, collected it in the form of both insurance premiums and taxes, and have delivered absolutely nothing in return but deception, deceit, insult, and the edict that I should depart Québec if I want any healthcare.

When I contemplate a forced departure from Québec, I fail to see why I should contribute one penny to the corrupt, money grubbing, blood sucking, incompetent leaches, I leave behind.

Tuesday Evening Update  #2

I collected the item from the post office today August 25th, but found myself unable to open it until late this evening. It is a note from a lawyer acting on behalf of one of the opposing parties caught up in this huge imbroglio. I do not have the strength to answer him.

I made a response yesterday to a lawyer with a major law firm in Montréal. I thought he was being deliberately rude and obnoxious. I responded in kind. Actually, I toned my response down considerably from the vehement first draft. Today, when I re-read his letter, I find I may have miss-interpreted it. Maybe not. It is difficult for me to tell.  I hate all this legal stuff. It is well beyond my capacity. I am experiencing legal distress. I constantly make errors and find them too late to correct them. It is very unfair I am being forced into these efforts. I am spending more per day on copies, and printer ink, and post office charges than I spend per day on food. Something has to give. I lack the ability to continue on in this fashion. I lost it today in the grocery store. I am breaking down.

Tuesday Near Midnight Update  #3

I reached out to W tonight. I see Dr H tomorrow.