Midnight Heat

Have been working through the night to avoid the heat. The midnight heat was over 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

A number of submissions have been completed but there is no sense of accomplishment in this fact. Part of this is likely due to the fact that two of the submissions are necessitated by the incompetence of a 3rd party. So instead of proceeding with actions that need to be performed, I must backtrack and amend problems created for me by virtue of others who are paid to do jobs, but did not do them.

In fact, if I look at the majority of problems associated with my injury, the major portion of these problems have been created for me by persons who failed to perform their responsibilities.

Every cloud has a silver lining. In the immediate case the silver lining comes from the fact that the effort required to address the various problems has forced me to undertake some difficult tasks. Most of these tasks involve dealing with large amounts of information. I find this both incredibly difficult and tedious and I must spend a large amount of time checking and rechecking my work for error.

My first experience of this was in the late fall of 2012 when I filed my first insurance appeal. Because it had taken me over a month to write a 5 page letter, Dr D urged me to obtain the services of a lawyer to assist in the management of my affairs. I did as she suggested. But on November 17th the lawyer fired me. At the time, I did not understand what was going on but I believe my being fired is a reasonable interpretation of events.

It has taken me exactly 2 years, 7 months and 38 days to understand what happened between September 5th 2012 and November 17th 2012.

But my ability to understand events, while slow and compromised, is improving. My ability to create text has improved to the point that I believe it is better than it was prior to the accident.

Still have a great deal of work ahead of me but I am slowly moving things forward.