One Month Difference

Up at 0645. From waking I began to assess all the actions I need to take and I immediately began to feel overwhelmed. By the time I got down to the kitchen, I felt the behind the ear discomfort that Dr H has identified as a sign of stress.

While lying awake and cataloguing my tasks, the overwhelming pre-occupation was with the insurance company and TAQ. There is a huge amount to do there and I am trying to come to grips with the full scope of the undertaking. What is interesting is the fact that I have no recollection of previous Landscape Vision overviews of my situation. My recollection is one of being overwhelmed when confronted by a particular document (Foxhole Vision) but without any generalized apprehension of the surrounding landscape. I blithely sailed through events. There was no sense of the potential import, or impact, of these events. This was true of my day to day activity as well.

Realize that I should make an entry in the blog in regard to the scope of what is taking place with the insurance company / TAQ and associated undertakings.

My hunch is that putting in ten miles yesterday has had further positive effect. Beat my feet up pretty badly due to the cramped toe box of the old shoes. Significant impact on the body as well. Arrived home and napped from approximately 1500 to 1800. Then felt the need for sleep and went to bed before 1000. Woke today just before 0700. Legs extremely stiff from yesterday’s exertion. Weight has dropped below 210.

A Note on One Month Difference

The header picture shown above was taken one month before the header picture on the prior post. It is striking how much of a difference nature can impose within such a short space of time. When I contemplate this significant degree of change, I tend to become downcast at my own lack of progress. I have basically been dealing with the same phenomena since March 6th 2011. There has been improvement, I do not deny that. But it feels like the change has been both slow and marginal.



Links to Similar Header Images:

March 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016