Going Batty

I am going batty. I had a lot of problems and needed to go for a walk to make sense of things and work out the frustration. The following post is an attempt to sort through events and come to an understanding. The irony is that after writing in this prior post that blogging had become relatively easy, I became extremely frustrated over an inability to complete the two prior posts on Homework. I want to begin by giving an overview of the blog work process as this serves to explain some of the difficulty experienced.

Blog Work Process

Blog posts are derived from notes entered in the Accident Log. Each post may represent a compilation of ideas and text snippets taken from a series of Accident Log entries spanning a period of days. Once a post draft is complete, the text is transferred to the blog where it will undergo further revision. The blog software attempts to impose word count limits. I also use software that provides a readability index. If the draft post is composed of tortured text, or the post is found incomprehensible a day or two after publication, then I will return and edit for clarity and concision. The key takeaway is that the actual post event is a specific short duration event but the post process may encompass several days of observations and note taking, and be followed by several more days of post-publication revision.

The Draft Homework Post

Dr H was seen on May 10th. During our session she had me write notes on the Homework process. We discussed each category and together we made a preliminary assignment of activities to categories. When I left her office, I had what amounted to a handwritten draft of a prospective blog post. This was going to be an easy one as everything was contained on a single sheet of paper. On May 11th, the first portion of the text was entered in the blog and published. The second half of the text was to be entered on May 12th. Then the fun began.

The Delay in Publication

The Homework Part 2 post was not entered on May 12th but sat in draft. I am not certain what other activity was performed on May 12th but I do know that I went on a hike and most of the walk was spent mulling over the homework assignment. I was worried about my tendency to jump into projects, take on more than I can achieve, and then run into significant problems. This confrontation with reality typically results in a psychic blow-up and/or a depressive event. I have been through this process enough times that I have learned to be cautious.

Provisional Activity Timetable

I decided to set out a timetable for myself. I would spend a period of time attempting to devise a process by which I might satisfactorily complete the homework assignment. I was actually excited by this project. I felt it would deliver greater self awareness and insight. The timetable is here:

May 14th Sat Personal time and homework prep
May 15th Sun TAQ submission
May 16th Mon Homework Day 01
May 17th Tue Homework Day 02
May 18th Wed Homework Day 03 CR Group 1430 to 1530 Dp 1100 Return 1900 CLEAR
May 19th Thu Homework Day 04
May 20th Fri Homework Day 05 HOT
May 21st Sat Homework Day 06 HOT
May 22nd Sun Homework Day 07 HOT
May 23rd Mon – Victoria Day. Stuff closed. Write up homework. HOT
May 24th Tue Dr H 1100. Present homework.

Data Driven Corrections

This is where the Accident Log is such a great benefit. On May 12th I hiked in to see Dr D. With added shopping this was a hike of more than 12 miles [12.47 miles to be precise]. On May 13th I went for a short six mile recovery hike. [correction – this was actually two hikes for a total of 9.63 miles] Part of this hike involved pricing potting soil for the herb garden project. The visit with Dr D was very positive and shed more light on the homework assignment. I was also excited about the herb garden project. Both activities resulted in a number of new entries in the Accident Log. I now had an original Homework Part 2 draft that was being rapidly superseded by new insights and understanding

On May 14th, I ran some errands [total distance 5.96 miles] and had even more insights into my own behaviour. On the 14th I also attempted to finally enter the Homework Part 2 draft and publish the post. The blog software permits me to set the publication date. While the post exhibits a May 12th date, it was not actually published until May 14th. This morning, the 15th of May, I commenced to review the published Homework Part 2 draft and encountered problems such that made me flee the house to reestablish cognitive order.

I wish to examine what happened in two further posts. One is a list of current projects. The other consists of insights generated by the homework attempt.

To be continued . . .