QSSS Section III

Section III

I am unable to complete this document at this time. The reasons are detailed on http://facticity.ca/stop-making-sense/

Once my situation improves I will forward Section III and the balance of the analysis.



End Note 1    paragraph 1.7
Dr Latimer first saw me on March 29th 2012. I saw him again on April 11 2012 when he provided me with a referral. I did not attend the CLINIC REDACTED until June 13th 2012.

At the time I saw Dr. Latimer I was unaware of the fact that I was suffering from any form of brain injury. I was also engaged in a search for work. As anyone who has had to search for employment will attest one of the key challenges is not becoming dismayed by constant and ongoing rejection. An employment search mandates the job seeker maintain a positive outlook on life at all times regardless of circumstance. I believed this played a significant role in my failing to recognize the nature and extent of my injury.

Prior to April 11th 2012 there had been a dearth of job advertisements. Subsequent to this date there was a sudden flood of demand. As I have worked as a corporate recruiter I am sensitive to the fact that my age, and concerns over my state of health, would be key attributes in any hiring decision. Prior to seeing Dr. Latimer I could honestly state that I had no known health issues. After seeing Dr Latimer I could state that I had recently had a check-up and blood work done and these showed I was in excellent health.

During the period from April 11th through to June 13th I applied for positions with multiple employers both in my current field and outside of it for a total of approximately 10 job applications (I can provide full details for half of these. The details on the others are on an upstairs computer connected to my printer. This computer was forgotten and left in a powered on state for two months during a summer heat wave and is no longer functional).

Toward the end of May I obtained an interview with a safety equipment and services firm. This employment was a perfect fit with my background in marine search and rescue and offshore safety and my experience in human resource development and training. I felt sure I had an excellent chance to secure the position.

A postmortem conducted after the failed interview forced the recognition that there was something very wrong with my ability to carry out normal tasks and ordinary aspects of social engagement and that all my attempts at “positive thinking” and diligent exertion were proving to be of little effect. It was this realization that drove me to CLINIC REDACTED on June 13th and it was the subsequent discovery that it would take over a year to see a physician that caused me great distress. I was extremely fortunate to have had a prior association with an excellent clinical psychologist Dr. Deanna Drahovzal. She responded to my cry for help and I owe her a great debt.

End Note 2    paragraph 1.14
When I saw Dr Drahovzal she immediately recognized that I was different from my prior self. Her concern was such that she arranged for me to see a social worker at CLSC St Redeumpteur. This social worker was of no benefit, or assistance. When I tried to reach her a month after our initial contact she failed to reply to multiple emails. When I left a voice mail requesting advice on how to access medical care in Québec she left me voice mail with a number to contact. When I called this number I found I was speaking with a staffer in a CLSC in Sherbrooke Québec who informed me that the only party that could provide me with access to a physician was my local CLSC. When I informed the staffer that it was my local CLSC that had referred me to her she explained that each CLSC only handles issues within their own area and that she could do nothing for me. I have names, dates, and telephone records for each of these contacts with my CLSC, and with the Sherbrooke CLSC.

When I first wrote to le ministre regarding gaining access to a physician I received an email from Alain Carle, Coordonnateur régional des urgences, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais. In an email dated August 15th 2013 he informs me he is unable to contact me by phone as I have provided my home phone number but the number I have given is incorrect.

I left Mr Carle a voice message indicating that I wished to confer with Dr. Hulley before speaking with him so that I might ensure that I knew exactly the form of medical services to request.

Mr Carle emailed me back as follows:

The waiting time before you can have a family doctor

Unfortunately, the shortage of doctors raging across Quebec, also affects the Outaouais. Family physicians in the region are trying to meet the growing demand, but struggle to meet all the needs of the population. It is possible to wait several months before they have access to a family doctor.

I note that as of this date I have been on a Québec santé wait list for over 20 months. This is for access to a family physician, not for access to any form of specialist.

Dr Taylor has recommended that I see a physiatrist on an urgent basis.

When I last saw Dr. X he advised me that there were two physicians in Gatineau who might provide a second opinion but that neither of these two specialists were available to me.

To all practical effect, there is no medical care in Gatineau, Québec.

End note 3    paragraph 2.43

Paragraph 2.9 of Exhibit A contains the following statement:

Dr. X made no attempt to elicit any details in regard to the circumstance of the injury. A description similar to the preceding was contained in a written appeal submitted to SAAQ in January 2013.

On June 10 2013, I sent a written request to Dr. X asking for a copy of my file (see Exhibit C Item 13). This document package was received by me in August 2013 (the delay was due to my error in managing my time. I forgot to forward the required payment in a timely manner). When I opened the document package and read the first page of Dr. X’s clinical record I realized that the document contained particulars in regard to the accident (black ice on the roadway) that could only have been obtained from me.

When I prepared the June 10th submission to the Collège des médecins du Québec (Exhibit A) I exerted particular care to ensure that it was both complete and entirely factual. I had no interest in just slinging lots of mud against a wall in the hope that some of it might stick. I was therefore extremely taken aback that my memory of a recent event was so inaccurate and incomplete and I discussed my shock over this discovery in subsequent clinical meetings with both Dr. Drahovzal and Dr. Hulley.

In order to ensure that I remember key discussion topics so that I may introduce them in clinical sessions, I draft an “Inventory” of topical issues and obstacles. These issues and obstacles are drawn from experience and recorded daily in an “Accident Log” that Dr. Hulley suggested I maintain. The document titled “Inventory August 20 2013” was prepared as an aide memoire for meetings in late August 2013 and a copy is submitted as Exhibit J. This document contains two references to the lack of memory of my meeting with Dr. X:

The page 2 2013-08-13 line 6 entry:

6) Dismayed on review of my file from Dr X. There was more to our interview than I can remember. Cannot believe that my memory of event is so poor.

And the page 3 2013-08-16 entry:

– have great trouble with acceptance of current health dynamic. When I see that I have erred in regard to Dr X, or sent out wrong tel numbers, then I am completely dismayed as this goes against my narrative of improvement and shows it to be false hope

This note has been added by way of explanation to establish that the incorrect entry at paragraph 2.9 of the June 10th submission to the Collège des médecins du Québec was not motivated by malicious intent on my part.

Revision History
October 21 2013 – corrected multiple spelling errors, redacted personal information for Dr. X and his associated clinic.

October 25 2013 – corrected additional spelling errors and minor formatting problems. This document is no longer identical to the submitted version. The document “as submitted” may be located via the links on the following pages.