Hearing Test

The prior post was left incomplete.

Two additional possibilities needed to be added. The first proposes that feeling down is some form of “grey day syndrome.” The morning sky was blanketed with grey in expectation of snow, the bleak dawn posed a threat, not a welcome. Perhaps feeling down was attributable to environmental factors.
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Best Christmas Ever

This is a picture of Colin in the plaza at the new Lansdowne Park. It was taken on December 25th and was part of my best Christmas ever.

On Christmas eve I worked until 0400 on legal submissions. I didn’t really want to do the work but I was in a groove and, when I think myself productive, I attempt to maximize output. Woke around noon on the 25th and found an email from Colin saying he was in Ottawa at the Lord Elgin. Woo hoo!!
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Data Point – GSES

When I first stated seeing Dr. D, she introduced me to the concept of Self-Efficacy. This is a psychological concept which describes individual belief in ones general ability to perform an action, or meet a challenge. Recently, I came across a self-report instrument titled the General Self-Efficacy Scale or GSES.
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