I do not like writing the End of Month review posts. They are an impossible chore. They force an examination of tasks completed and tasks left undone. Despite the fact I find them difficult to write, I appreciate the discipline they impose. With that in mind, I thought I would attempt a 2016 preview, a forecast of things to come. These are the major anticipated events.
Final TAQ Hearing
This has yet to be scheduled but is likely to occur in March or April. Preparation for this final hearing has been a major focus of all of my activity. I still have a number of evidence submissions to make. These include letters from Dr. D, and Dr. H, some rebuttal evidence of statements made by Dr. X, and a summary statement. The summary is crucial as I need a written document to use as a presentation guide during the hearing itself.
Post Hearing – Finances
The year gets interesting after the final hearing. There are two possibilities: 1) I lose; 2) I win. In actual fact, I lose either way. No matter what the TAQ decision, I am left to deal with an injury that greatly impairs my ability to earn an income and enjoy life. Post hearing, I will need to undertake a review of my finances. The key financial target is August 2017 when I turn 65 and become eligible for various pension allotments.
Post Hearing – Visit Colin
Colin visited over Christmas and it was great to see him. We have made provisional plans to get together after the final TAQ hearing. This implies a car trip to New York, which in turn requires either a passport, or a special driver’s license. I must investigate precisely what is needed.
Car Disposal
Went to shovel out the car after the latest snowstorm and made an attempt to move it. The car would not start. I realize I have not used it since I do not know when. Without snow on the ground, I have no problem getting around the city without the car. I prefer walking. Walking best suits my present operational speed. The fact of the car not operating enforces a winter walking trial. If this proves successful, then I anticipate selling the car. Sale of the car may be a necessity depending on the outcome of the TAQ hearing.
Household Upkeep
Last week I encountered a dripping kitchen tap. This week the issue appears to have self-resolved. I realize that subsequent to the accident I have undertaken no household maintenance. In the five years since the accident, I have bought no clothes. Essentially, my only discretionary spending has been food. Preparation for the TAQ hearing has consumed all of my time. I am very slow and the work is a struggle. It has also resulted in a huge record keeping problem as I now have paper, and files, and document print outs, covering almost every flat surface. Once the TAQ hearing is completed, I will need to attend to this trove of paper and then move forward with household upkeep. Or household sale. Not sure which it will be until after the TAQ decision.
Photographic Inventory
Colin asked for high res versions of the images found in this post. I have these pictures and many others. The problem is they are located in shoebox storage. I need to go through and inventory all of them, see if I still have the negatives, make copies for Cols and basically just find exactly what pictures I have. I know that I have a significant number of 35mm slides and a lot of 35mm B&W negatives. I need to take a month to review all of this material, and make copies to send to Colin.
That’s my list for the coming year. Given my current operating speed, I anticipate completion of all of these items some time in 2018 2019.
In the Post Hearing – Finances paragraph, I write about an impaired ability to enjoy life. I made this comment without thinking. On review, I realize there have been major changes in how I conduct my life. I have learned, or am in the process of learning, how to adapt to the injury. Some aspects of this adaptation, such as an increased reliance on self-mobility, I have come to appreciate. I am unsure exactly what I am attempting to convey here apart from the realization that I have been forced into an adaptation to the circumstance of the injury. This adaption includes learning new forms of acceptance and enjoyment. I doubt I will ever return to my pre-injury self. Gate gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha.