Homework Project Taxonomy

This post is an element of the Homework project. It first seeks to present a taxonomy of life processes. It then describes each active project in which I am presently engaged.


For the purpose of this analysis all volitional life processes may be categorized as one or more projects. A project utilizes physical resources and typically results in some form of tangible outcome. For example, I spent the afternoon in sleep. This sleep consumed resources in the form of units of time and it delivered a tangible outcome in the form of a delay in other projects. I likely dreamed during this period of sleep but the dream state did not result in any form of tangible, observable, outcome.

This sleep project did not require any knowledge, skills, or activities on my part. Both the sleep and wake life processes occur without significant volitional intent. The self-identity described as “I” had no active role to play in the sleep process. Given these facts it is best to think of sleep as being a functional activity that is not a demonstrable aspect of any specific project.

Project Characteristics

Any project will exhibit the following characteristics:

  • It is volitional in nature. The individual exerts control over his/her performance and therefore influences the project outcome.
  • A project has some foundation in knowledge. It therefore forms part of, and maintains a dependency upon, some epistemology. A project that concerns the improved treatment of mTBI victims requires knowledge of mTBI injury, some awareness of moral and ethical issues, coupled with a knowledge of present practices in respect of mTBI therapy and the way in which these activities may be improved.
  • A project requires the utilization of skills. A skill is a performative act that may be judged in relation to other demonstrations of the identical skill. The majority of skills are tacit and are acquired through the process of socialization. No one goes to finishing schools anymore but everyone acquires some modicum of social skills. It is possible to create a skills taxonomy and a skills hierarchy.
  • A project consists of knowledge and skill performed within the context of a specific activity. Any project may contain one, or more, activities. These activities may be performed by a single individual, or be distributed among the members of a group.
  • A project utilizes physical resources and results in some form of tangible outcome. These outcomes may be measured and costed using economic or other criteria (it may be extremely difficult to undertake the full economic costing of raising a child as much of the project involves non-market activity).

To be continued . . .