Homework Active Projects

This is a list of all of the projects in which I am presently engaged. The projects are listed in chronological order by start date. Currently active projects are listed first. Projects which are complete, or inactive, are described in the following post.

TAQ Submission Project

Start Date – July 2012
Status – Active
Litigation of my interests in respect of an insurance claim for the injuries suffered in the automobile accident of March 6th, 2011. This project has consumed most of my waking days since the late fall of 2012. It overlaps to some degree with the Blog Therapy project and is dependent on skills developed in the Blog Therapy project.

Posts which describe my experience of TAQ activity may be found by going to the home page by using the menu situated beneath the header image. Then, in the right hand column, use the CATEGORY drop down to select the entry for “TAQ.”

Walk Therapy Project

Start Date – August 2012
Status – Active
Initiated in August 2012 in response to guidance from Dr H. Was not formally developed until August 2014 when the acquisition of a smartphone and a performance monitoring app resulted in significant improvement in walk intensity, frequency, and outcome. This change resulted in a one time “pop” in cognitive activity likely due to improved aerobic function, increased CPP and oxygenation of the brain tissue, together with increased production of BNTF which is understood to help restore and improve brain function.

Posts which describe my experience of Walk Therapy may be found by going to the home page by using the menu situated beneath the header image. Then, in the right hand column, use the CATEGORY drop down to select the entry for “Walk Therapy.”

Blog Therapy Project

Start Date – May 2013
Status – Active
Initiated on May 24th, 2013 (first post is here), the blog project was undertaken as therapeutic activity in response to a suggestion by Dr. H. The skills acquired in this project have played a key role in facilitating the work involved in the TAQ Submission Project. The blog also plays a role in overcoming TAQ Project avoidance. I will engage in writing a series of blog posts as a form of “warm up” activity. Once I again become comfortable with text composition, I will transition to work on the TAQ project. Blog posts then become extremely infrequent as the TAQ submission activity absorbs the entirety of each day.

Posts which describe my experience writing the blog may be found by going to the home page by using the menu situated beneath the header image. Then, in the right hand column, use the CATEGORY drop down to select the entry for “Blog Therapy.”

Concussion Research Group Project

Start Date – October 2015
Status – Active
This project involves my participation in a university research group working to advance understanding of mTBI.

Related Mentions are to be found in this October 13, 2015 post:

Evidence Based Recovery

This project derives from my interest in data driven, self-actualized brain injury therapy. This interest was triggered by the fact I was denied access to formal therapeutic resources due to the lack of an accepted insurance claim. I have not been able to devote as much time to this project as I would like. This is primarily due to the time burden associated with the TAQ Submission Project.

Posts which describe my experience of the Concussion Research Group may be found by going to the home page using the menu situated beneath the header image. Then, in the right hand column, use the CATEGORY drop down to select the entry for “Concussion Research Group.”

Car Battery Project

Start Date – January 3rd, 2016
Status – Active
In January of 2016 I went to use the car and found it would not start due to a dead battery. I realized that I had not made use of the car since August of 2015. This project involves acquisition of the equipment required to recharge the battery upon removal from the car.

Related Mentions:


I have considerable prior engineering and mechanical experience and once held certification as a marine engineer. Due to a great distrust of my present abilities, I am fearful of making a mistake. Because of this I have been avoiding further engagement in this project. My excuse for this avoidance is that because the car is located on an outside parking lot, I need a period of fair weather to complete the repair.

GPS Project

Start Date – January 2016
Status – Active
Not sure of the exact commencement date. This was initiated as a formal project in January 2016 when I discovered problems with car operation and recognized I had not used the car since August of 2015. The project concerns the GPS mapping of my various walk routes. This includes distances to various vendor locations in addition to the identification of exercise loops of specific length.

There are no blog mentions of this project. I have been accumulating notes and image resources for a multi-post presentation but this has been deferred due to the need to complete the TAQ Submission Project.

House Clean-Up Project

Start Date – January 5th 2016
Status – Active
This project commenced during an interlude in the TAQ submissions process. During this interlude I realized my total focus had been on the creation and submission of TAQ documents. These submissions required extensive research to gain a comprehensive lay understanding of mTBI in general, and of the specifics of my own injury.

House clean-up was first mentioned in a post dated January 5th, 2016:


There are a number of activities associated with this project. These include performing a clothing inventory, a shoe inventory, and organization of all of the extant TAQ records. There is a huge amount that needs to be done. This is due to neglect as all of my attention for the past four years has been directed towards rehabilitation activities, or toward the TAQ submission project. I am trying to commence clean-up one bite sized chunk at a time to avoid my becoming overwhelmed.

Clean up activity is reported in the following posts:



Impeccable Timing

The need for a clean-up is made evident in this post from February 21st, 2016:

A Simple Project

Pleasure at clean up activity is reported in this February 15th, 2016 post:

Never Give Up

The house is identified as a disaster in this February 10th, 2016 post:

Sense of Self

Herb Garden Project

Start Date – May 2016
Status – Active
This involves creating a balcony herb garden. It was initiated on the realization that I have become heavily reliant on the TAQ project as a primary source of self-identity and will experience a number of problems once the litigation is complete unless I derive self-identity from alternate activities.

First Mention of a “balcony herb farm” is found in this February 29th, 2016 post:

February End of Month Review

Based on discussions with Dr. H, I realize that my attempts to reassert my pre-injury levels of performance causes me great frustration and angst. An alternate option is to undertake activities that fall within my present performance envelope and attempt to build from there. I have prior experience in operating a small herb farm. I enjoyed the activity and my present pace resembles that of a slow growing herb so this activity appears to be a positive match.

To be continued . . .