Sense of Taste

I have a single large, almost bottomless, ceramic mug that is used for drinking coffee, primarily decaf.

When working for Gargantua on the overnight shift, I would brew a fresh pot of coffee on arrival at work and drink almost all of it before midnight. Each night I consumed a minimum of four large cups of strong coffee without experiencing any form of adverse effect. After the accident, I found that ingesting any amount of caffeine triggered large skin blisters at various locations on my body. The primary wound site was on my left forearm.
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April End of Month Review

It is time for the April End of Month Review. I think these entries are helpful to me but I find them difficult. I am forced to compress a great deal of detail when my preference would be to include all the details. This is likely counter-productive.


Completed 175 miles in April, a big improvement over the 60 odd miles achieved in March. Having walked through the winter, I appear to be in good aerobic shape and can take the hill loop without much problem. Did experience shin splints during last trip to see Dr H and on the day following. Some pain in right front foot in big toe “push off” area but both of these issues appear to be moderating, or gone.
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Train of Thought

The prior post was completed in the early morning hours of March 31st. This post is being drafted late on the night of March 31st and will show a post date of April 1st. Yesterday’s post represented a train of thought that began several weeks ago when I first attempted to understand my resistance and difficulty with writing the TAQ Summary. Yesterday’s train of thought became so long I had to uncouple from the caboose. This post represents the end of the train.
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