Dinosaur Memory

Yesterday was another sort of a holiday day. I went out to Kanata to see W.

W was first met toward the end of last year. He operates a company in a tech field and was looking for someone to assist him. I was doing mundane routine volunteer work and I felt ready to make the jump to something more occupationally oriented. My experience in coding and IT goes back almost 40 years. Like some lost dinosaur memory, I knew the early history of the technology he sold, and supported. All of my experience from working with Gargantua seemed to apply. The work appeared to be an ideal fit with my background and skills. The opportunity represented a positive way of easing myself back into the world of paid work.
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Legal Distress

Intuition told me that I had important mail today. I take out the garbage and yes, there is a post office delivery notification. It is addressed to 14-3 Imp des Lilas. So it is likely from the insurance company. I suspect it is something to tell me that my claim has been kiboshed. I will not know until after 1300 tomorrow which is when it will be available for pickup at the postal outlet, a six mile hike away.
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