
I have established a new process for reading Ghost in My Brain. I keep the book by my bed and in the morning, when I wake, and am fresh, I open the book at random and read as much as I can. I am attempting to balance learning about the author’s injury with my own abilities. This process will be modified to capture the page number of the associated text. This process improvement will be incorporated at next reading.

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On Thursday, I met with N. The experience was powerful and confounding. I commenced jotting notes to myself in an attempt to unpack what had taken place. This series of posts reflects the trajectory of that day, and my associated analysis.

I am unsure how we arrived at this topic. I believe we were discussing pharmaceuticals prescribed by our physicians. N was aware that I have refused medication. I was unable to offer her an immediate explanation for this refusal. When writing this series of posts, our conversation came to mind. It triggered a set of recollections. This is the explanation I was unable to give to N.
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