Whenever I encounter a moment of crisis I go and work at my volunteer “job.” I am willing to perform the very tedious, boring, routine operations that no one else truly wants to do. Another staffer commented on my output. I responded that I really enjoyed endless, dull repetitive work. I saw from his eye response that this may not have been the socially appropriate answer. I appear to be doing a great many socially inappropriate things lately. This is one of the reasons I seek refuge in my “office,” slaving away at a mountain of paper.
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Category Archives: Rehab
Difficulty in Perception
Experiencing difficulty. Have been aware of this for a few days now and have been unable to “shake it off.” Have decided the best means to address the issue is to use the blog and “write it out,” to attempt an analysis and gain understanding of the difficulty.
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I have established a new process for reading Ghost in My Brain. I keep the book by my bed and in the morning, when I wake, and am fresh, I open the book at random and read as much as I can. I am attempting to balance learning about the author’s injury with my own abilities. This process will be modified to capture the page number of the associated text. This process improvement will be incorporated at next reading.