
On Thursday, I met with N. The experience was powerful and confounding. I commenced jotting notes to myself in an attempt to unpack what had taken place. This series of posts reflects the trajectory of that day, and my associated analysis.

I am unsure how we arrived at this topic. I believe we were discussing pharmaceuticals prescribed by our physicians. N was aware that I have refused medication. I was unable to offer her an immediate explanation for this refusal. When writing this series of posts, our conversation came to mind. It triggered a set of recollections. This is the explanation I was unable to give to N.
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Carpe diem

This morning, fourteen years ago, I was making a final run, transporting boxes from my rented accommodations in Ottawa to my newly acquired condo. Crossing the Champlain Bridge (the old, narrow, traffic choked Champlain Bridge) I was struck by the splendor of the clear blue September sky, an incredibly bright day with not one cloud visible in that vast azure expanse. The time was 8:45 a.m.
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