Completed the TBI Rehab proposal today. The first thing I did, once I cleared all the items on the task list, was to send an email to Colin and provide him with the link and an update. I have held off communicating with him as most of what I have had to say has not been positive: a slow, drawn out response from the insurer, no response from the Minister of Health, growing awareness of my predicament, no sense of improvement. Or, if there has been improvement, it is composed of minor increments and not fit and to be noticed. I do not want to be the constant bearer of bad news. It has been easier just to remain silent and this has resulted in large gaps in communications.
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Category Archives: Sante
Stop Making Sense
14:29:48 Back from copy run. Stop making sense.
I need to stop document production. My error rate now exceeds my accuracy rate. No matter how hard I work for accuracy, new errors are introduced. The copy effort drove this home. As I passed documents through the machine, it became painfully obvious the multitude of things I had missed, or overlooked.
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Collective Works as a Business Strategy
I have been mulling over a business strategy.
To be accurate, I am trying to develop a business strategy.
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