Dormant Life

I recently encountered evidence of a dormant life, the lost possessions of a person who lived here more than five years ago. That person is me.

The window replacement crew needed a big work space for full access to the windows. I had to relocate two book shelves, some other furniture, and a mountain range of stacked documents and TAQ submissions. Every available living room surface had become part of my file system (use of the word “system” as a descriptor is highly inappropriate). This ton of stuff had to move somewhere else.
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Psychological Resistance

I saw Dr. D yesterday and discussed the problems with TAQ document creation. She offered a number of great insights and confirmed some of my interpretation of events. I am listing these from memory and my recollection is bound to be wildly imperfect, but I believe we discussed the following issues. When combined, all of these form a wall of psychological resistance I have difficulty overcoming.

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