Good news. I finally have a GP. I saw Dr N today. His nameplate is not yet up in his office, even the receptionists station is marked by a handwritten sign held up with tape. I am new patient number 650. Dr N is barely open for business and he is already completely booked a full month in advance. This gives an idea of the extent of the doctor shortage in Gatineau. I count myself very fortunate to have access to him.
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Category Archives: Fatigue
A Day In the Life
Awake. Unable to get back to sleep.
Realize that the Collège des médecins du Québec will only be making a decision as to the appropriateness of its own earlier decision. They will either endorse the prior decision or send it back for a further review. They have 90 days from the deadline which was sometime in early November. So Nov, Dec, Jan then back to the prior committee for a 90 day review Feb, Mar, Apr, then to the insurer who render some kind of decision and then have 90 days for a medical review so May, June, July.
Summer is Almost Over
Summer is almost over. Clearly I have not been very consistent in making blog entries; there is a reason for my lax behaviour. Several reasons actually.
First, until August 1st, I was deeply involved in preparing a final submission to the insurance agency. This type of report is difficult for me to create. These documents require a great deal of time, are involved and complex, and I try to make them as factual and accurate as possible. Because they are difficult to write I must focus all my energy on completing them and I must drop everything else; everything else includes this blog.
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