This morning I feel battered. I have been pushing myself on the walks. Walk therapy appears to be the one action that I can take that delivers clear, positive result. Walking appears to smooth out potential upheavals, leaves me better prepared to cope, drives awareness and insight. I believe walking generates a Flow state. And there exists published evidence that a walk in the woods results in physical changes to the brain and an increase in positive neurotransmitters.
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Category Archives: Fatigue
Experiment Comment
The key objective of the experiment was to determine my readiness to undertake some form of regular employment. Target occupations included mail-room clerk, grocery store restock clerk, and fast food counter service person. The outcomes of the experiment have yet to be discussed with my doctors but I view the results as largely negative for the following reasons:
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Experiment Observations
The following paragraphs consist of experiment observations. These are prose snippets created during the experiment as I attempted to capture relevant data. Spelling has been corrected and in a number of instances grammar and syntax have also been adjusted to increase comprehension.
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