RI – Pompeii Moments

Since the accident I have kept a continuous Accident Log (AL). This is used to store random observations of my behaviour, in addition to possible solutions to injury related problems. The Accident Log provides a running record of difficulties as they are encountered.

In trying to get a grip on what is bothering me, I went back to the start of February and reviewed the AL for relevant notes. This is what was found.
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Random Investigation – Rewards

This is a random investigation (RI). In the attempt to understand my own behaviour, I am starting from a single point of interest and seeking to follow the thought path in whatever random direction it takes me. This RI commenced on encountering the following text on a web site:

This should be obvious given that obsessive eating is rooted in negative emotional states, from which sweet and fatty foods — calming opioids — provide fleeting respite.

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