Experiencing difficulty. Have been aware of this for a few days now and have been unable to “shake it off.” Have decided the best means to address the issue is to use the blog and “write it out,” to attempt an analysis and gain understanding of the difficulty.
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Category Archives: Brain Injury Support Group
Brain Injury Support Group
Yesterday, I went to my Brain Injury Support Group. These are difficult events. I must interact with 10 other people and I have trouble keeping up with the flow of conversation. While I try to take notes, my notes are often next to useless. They end up as single word snapshots of an entire conversational thread. Without the context, I have no understanding of the meaning of my one captured code word.
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I am flummoxed and attempting to reorient myself. This is less of a coherent post and more of a grab bag of ideas. I am attempting to collect my thoughts so that I may sort them out and build sense from them.
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