This post presents solutions to problems identified in the prior post. This series of posts identifies common tasks I perform on a regular basis. These tasks represent unvarying routine. Each item required for task performance is available and readily accessible. There are no sudden hikes to purchase a different size screw, or a tube of patching putty.
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Missing Garlic, Missing Marbles
Today, I woke early and decided to dedicate the day to addressing outstanding tasks. The goal was to put my life in order, catch up on deferred tasks, and prepare for my Monday meeting with Dr. H. Instead of imposing order, I ended up missing garlic and missing all my marbles.
Window Blinds and Task Visualization Part 2 – Task Analysis
At a recent meeting with Dr. H, we listed all the activities I perform reasonably well. An analysis shows these tasks exhibit few of the problems described in Window Blinds and Task Visualization Part 1. This task analysis reviews the following tasks: