Still having a great deal of difficulty. Have been trying for the past two weeks to come to an understanding of what is troubling me. My present belief is that it has to do with a loss of agency.
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Tag Archives: frustration
Black Friday
Today is Black Friday. I am left wondering where the week went. I have had a number of difficulties. First, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sent me an email to announce they had a communication for me. This communication was only available on a specific CRA web site.
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Impeccable Timing
Today, I woke at noon after being up until 0400. There were sufficient TAQ project breadcrumbs to quickly reactivate, and get stuck into, adding more text to the draft TAQ summary. I was deeply absorbed in this work until the onset of fatigue. An incipient left side headache reared up and declared itself right at the four hour mark. Say what you want, the “fatigue clock” maintains impeccable timing. The work was abandoned when I went for a forced nap.
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