Filling the Gap

After completing the prior post, I realized there is something else taking place.

The document submission was completed early in the morning. This resulted in a gap. The gap was filled with the hike to the copy shop. Upon return home there was another encounter with a gap. I see Dr D tomorrow and I know she will ask me how things are going. So I need to provide an answer. Delivering this answer requires that I engage in self observation, and the creation of a summary.

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Peaking in Fresh Air

Coming back to the blog is a breath of fresh air. I started working on it, found it very frustrating, and developed a love hate relationship with it. Then I found that it served as a sort of salve, a place I might turn to in order to recover my spirits, to breath out and abandon all of the negative energy and frustration that accompanied my efforts to accomplish nothing more than the simplest of things.
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