These lines in my accident log from yesterday give rise to fear:
flutter in left upper arm.
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These lines in my accident log from yesterday give rise to fear:
flutter in left upper arm.
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Generating headaches on left side of head.
Have been working hard for the past two hours on conceptual cognitive tasks. This type of mental exertion brings on a headache fairly quickly while a general futzing around does not. The problem is that if I persist then the headaches get worse and will take a day, or more, to clear.
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Awake. Unable to get back to sleep.
Realize that the Collège des médecins du Québec will only be making a decision as to the appropriateness of its own earlier decision. They will either endorse the prior decision or send it back for a further review. They have 90 days from the deadline which was sometime in early November. So Nov, Dec, Jan then back to the prior committee for a 90 day review Feb, Mar, Apr, then to the insurer who render some kind of decision and then have 90 days for a medical review so May, June, July.