Train of Thought

The prior post was completed in the early morning hours of March 31st. This post is being drafted late on the night of March 31st and will show a post date of April 1st. Yesterday’s post represented a train of thought that began several weeks ago when I first attempted to understand my resistance and difficulty with writing the TAQ Summary. Yesterday’s train of thought became so long I had to uncouple from the caboose. This post represents the end of the train.
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Data Point – GSES

When I first stated seeing Dr. D, she introduced me to the concept of Self-Efficacy. This is a psychological concept which describes individual belief in ones general ability to perform an action, or meet a challenge. Recently, I came across a self-report instrument titled the General Self-Efficacy Scale or GSES.
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The Endless Attempt to Understand

I have detailed one outcome of being bullied and ostracized as a child. In an effort to fit in and be accepted as a member of the group, I sought to achieve a high standard of performance. This was based on my need to fit it in. Since my physical performance was inadequate, I attempted to compensate on other dimensions. I needed to find a way to be judged equal to everyone else lest I run the risk of being cast out and abandoned. Or worse – be made the target of attack.
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