December End of Month Review

This is the updated holding post for the December Review. I really dislike these posts. They encompass a lot of elements and are difficult to complete. At the same time, I find them to be of considerable value. The delay in completing this post is due to a number of factors among them the fact that it is difficult to write a review post without taking the time required to actually perform a comprehensive review.

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10 Pounds of Onions

Hiked over to Ontario today to buy 10 pounds of onions. In Québec onions come in 3 pound bags for $2.50 so the hike saved me over $5. I also went to MEC and redeemed a $10 bonus coupon and bought some rechargeable AAA batteries. Of course, once I arrived home it was clear what I really needed were rechargeable AA batteries. The correct battery was on my shopping list. I trusted my memory and forgot about the list.

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