Have to watch myself like a hawk. Came home with a bag of groceries including perishables. Went upstairs to change. Then commenced to spend time washing shirts etc. Eventually came downstairs and gazed at bag of decaying groceries.
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Category Archives: Rehab
Awake for at least two hours. Sense of turmoil. Spent time in bed trying to understand what is taking place.
First came a dream of which I only have fragments, the final frames before I awoke. The image is that of a wide curved bridge across a chasm. There is a person running across the bridge toward the viewer. The viewer is high above the bridge so that the curve of it is visible as is the whiteness of the concrete from which it is constructed. I thought the person who is running is me but I am now uncertain of that. It is possible it is someone else, perhaps a female figure.
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Experiment Comment
The key objective of the experiment was to determine my readiness to undertake some form of regular employment. Target occupations included mail-room clerk, grocery store restock clerk, and fast food counter service person. The outcomes of the experiment have yet to be discussed with my doctors but I view the results as largely negative for the following reasons:
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