Psychological Resistance

I saw Dr. D yesterday and discussed the problems with TAQ document creation. She offered a number of great insights and confirmed some of my interpretation of events. I am listing these from memory and my recollection is bound to be wildly imperfect, but I believe we discussed the following issues. When combined, all of these form a wall of psychological resistance I have difficulty overcoming.

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Happy Times

Yesterday I hiked in to see Dr. D. Was up at 0400 and immediately began final trip prep. Left the house early in an unsuccessful attempt to beat the forecast rain showers. About a foot of wet snow had fallen overnight and extra time would be required to compensate for the drudgery of getting through unploughed sidewalks and diverting around the pedestrian shortcuts which were likely to be impassable.
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A Strange Day

Monday was a strange day. I was up before 0500 and worked through the morning performing the final assembly of the TAQ submission and the duplicate copy for the opposing lawyers. This work occupied me until around 1000 when I left for the post office.
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