The prior post was completed in the early morning hours of March 31st. This post is being drafted late on the night of March 31st and will show a post date of April 1st. Yesterday’s post represented a train of thought that began several weeks ago when I first attempted to understand my resistance and difficulty with writing the TAQ Summary. Yesterday’s train of thought became so long I had to uncouple from the caboose. This post represents the end of the train.
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March End of Month Review
Forced out of the house due to running out of aspirin. The irony is that on return, the pain appeared to have subsided. It may be possible to avoid a further dose. Started to document this fact in a post and realized it is time for the March End of Month Review.
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Brick Wall
I have been forcing myself to devote time to preparation of a summary document. The intent of this document is to tie together all of the other exhibits that have already been submitted, provide some form of logical coherence to my case.
This sounds a reasonable idea, but it has not worked. I have hit a brick wall.
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