After transmitting the email message which is the subject of this post, I realized it reveals a critical insight which may explain the severity of mTBI in older victims.
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Email to N
Good to hear from you. Didn’t get your email until after the meeting. I left the house around 0600 in an attempt to beat the rain to the university. Worked on the way in. Less successful on the way home.
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Snow, Ice, and Freezing Rain
Up at 0300 and unable to return to sleep. Today, I face a 20 mile hike to attend a Concussion Research Group meeting. The distance is not a problem. I have attended three or four of these meetings to date. The problem derives from the fact the weather is expected to deteriorate. The days of spring warmth and sunshine have come to an end. In their place the forecast is for snow, ice, and freezing rain.
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