Going Batty

I am going batty. I had a lot of problems and needed to go for a walk to make sense of things and work out the frustration. The following post is an attempt to sort through events and come to an understanding. The irony is that after writing in this prior post that blogging had become relatively easy, I became extremely frustrated over an inability to complete the two prior posts on Homework. I want to begin by giving an overview of the blog work process as this serves to explain some of the difficulty experienced.
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Psychological Resistance

I saw Dr. D yesterday and discussed the problems with TAQ document creation. She offered a number of great insights and confirmed some of my interpretation of events. I am listing these from memory and my recollection is bound to be wildly imperfect, but I believe we discussed the following issues. When combined, all of these form a wall of psychological resistance I have difficulty overcoming.

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