Self Portrait at 100

The prior blog post was post number 100. It has taken me 349 days to complete 100 posts, a rate of one post every three and one half days. The above image is not truly a self portrait. It is an attempt at humour (I have wanted to use this image for some time but could never really identify an appropriate post). The blog itself functions as a self portrait.
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Cheques from Jekyll and Hyde

Have spent the past three hours trying to sort out cancelled cheques for reimbursement.

I am only dealing with 4 items.

I find I have made many mistakes in my record keeping. I think I made payments when there were no sessions with Dr H. On the dates when I did have sessions, I recorded the dates incorrectly. On the dates for which I made a correct date entry, I misreported the cheque number. I have had to dig through all of my prior files to try and correctly resolve what should be an extremely simple set of events.
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