It is now 1955 hours on January 10th. The past two and a half hours have been spent digging out the car. A plow comes to clear the parking lot but if you are unable to move your car, it becomes “plowed in.” Mine was definitely plowed in. More than that. It was buried and jammed. It also wore a thick hat of two feet of snow with an inch and a half of a stiff ice crust brim beneath the crown. The local temperature is now 6 degrees centigrade. In the middle of January! According to one forecast, a light rain started falling 15 minutes ago. No sign of it. Snow is forecast to start in 56 minutes. For that to be correct we must experience a massive temperature drop in the next hour.
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Category Archives: Plans
Sleep Solution Sleep Problem
Even if I go to sleep dead tired, it is highly likely I will awake, fully alert, two or three hours later. No matter what I do, I will not be able to return to sleep (see the Sleep Experiment pages for research on this problem). Today I experienced a sleep solution sleep problem within seconds of each other. This post seeks to document this event as part of the ongoing Sleep Experiment.
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Eight months ago, I launched an appeal before the Tribunal administrative du Québec (TAQ). Lurched is a more appropriate verb than launched. Whatever word is used, the legal ball had started rolling. A rolling ball generates files. Lots of them. More than I can manage.
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