Even if I go to sleep dead tired, it is highly likely I will awake, fully alert, two or three hours later. No matter what I do, I will not be able to return to sleep (see the Sleep Experiment pages for research on this problem). Today I experienced a sleep solution sleep problem within seconds of each other. This post seeks to document this event as part of the ongoing Sleep Experiment.
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Category Archives: Rehab
Perfecting Balance
Developing an emerging sense of what I am going to call perfecting balance. I am not entirely sure how to verbalize what I mean, as I am attempting to describe a novel lived experience rather than apply a borrowed and shared descriptive concept.
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Eight months ago, I launched an appeal before the Tribunal administrative du Québec (TAQ). Lurched is a more appropriate verb than launched. Whatever word is used, the legal ball had started rolling. A rolling ball generates files. Lots of them. More than I can manage.
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