This is post one fifty. 150. One hundred and fifty blog entries.
It is hard to believe I arrived at this milestone so quickly.
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This is post one fifty. 150. One hundred and fifty blog entries.
It is hard to believe I arrived at this milestone so quickly.
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The prior blog post was post number 100. It has taken me 349 days to complete 100 posts, a rate of one post every three and one half days. The above image is not truly a self portrait. It is an attempt at humour (I have wanted to use this image for some time but could never really identify an appropriate post). The blog itself functions as a self portrait.
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It has been over 2 months since my last post. There is a reason for this blog hiatus.
On February 20th of this year, while out for a walk, I was assaulted and my camera was forcibly ripped from my grasp. I managed to get the camera back but I also suffered an injury to my right wrist. Performing any actions with my right hand was painful, painful to the point I sought to avoid using it. The few blog posts made after February 20th were already written and needed only to be uploaded.
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